E-Trio Featuring Chris Burroughs and Karla Harris | The Velvet Note

E-Trio Featuring Chris Burroughs and Karla Harris

Friday, January 11th

E-Trio Featuring Chris Burroughs and Karla Harris 

A killer band led by drummer Chris Burroughs takes rock and soul classics and refines them with a jazz treatment.  Featuring:

Dave Frackenpol– Guitar

Kevin Smith– Bass

Karla Harris–Vocals

Chris Burroughs brings his passion to all musical styles and melodies. By weaving them into a distinct percussive tapestry, he is in a constant state of evolving. Chris takes a metaphysical approach to percussion, always in the present moment, intuitively seeking a higher level. A non-conformist, he creates his own path.

Born and raised in Rockford, Illinois drummer/percussionist Chris Burroughs began playing at the early age of four. Music was not only encouraged in the Burroughs household, it was mandatory. “My Dad was a huge fan of all things artistic, especially music. Everyone was required to play a musical instrument and I chose the drums.” 

Over the course of his professional career, Chris has performed throughout the United States, Europe, Japan, and Australia. He has been blessed to record, tour, and share the stage with artist like: Dee Dee Bridgewater, Carmen Bradford, Col. Bruce Hampton, Jennifer Holiday, Russell Gunn, Chris Duarte, Tony Monaco, Joe Grandson, Dionne Farris, and Jacques Schwartz-Bart.

Chris endorses Evans drum heads and Pro-Mark drum sticks. 

Showtimes:  7:30pm and 9:30pm       Admission:  $29.

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(855) 583-5838

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